April 2023 Site News

Good morning everyone! April is here which means warmer weather, longer days, and another update for our community on some happenings behind the scenes.

We Are Live On Facebook

Buster and the Banshee now has a presence on Facebook. You can find us by clicking here, or just search for “Buster and the Banshee”. We already have over 200 followers, which is pretty exciting!

If you follow us on Facebook, any time we post a new article, it will show up in your Facebook feed. That means that you can be among the first people to know when something new goes up on the site. You can also comment on any article, like or share posts, and generally interact with us there.

Buster and the Banshee’s June Trip

Buster and the Banshee are super excited for their upcoming trip to the “World” in June. While some of the trip planning posts have slowed down a bit, we expect them to pick up once we get closer to the 60 day mark. This is because we will be approaching the dining reservation and Disability Access Service sign up windows. Please be on the lookup for some additional posts in these areas!

When we are on the trip itself, we plan on using it as an opportunity to bolster our content. That means new pictures. New articles on our experiences. New advice for the community.

Some Other Items in the Works

I was debating whether to include this section, since some of the items here are still not fully baked. However, I decided to include it since by publicly stating it, I feel like it commits us to follow through. Or not!

Premium Trip Planning

First, we are in the initial stages of putting together a personalized Walt Disney World trip planning service. While we are still working out the details, it generally would involve a client completing a questionnaire about their trip dates, budget, preferences, must-dos, must-not-dos, etc. Then we would provide a suggested trip itinerary based upon your answers!

Since Buster and the Banshee are not travel agents, we wouldn’t be able to make the actual bookings for you. However, we would be able to pretty much everything short of that.

We still have to put together the actual details about how it would work, the logistics, the price point (yes, this wouldn’t be free), and so forth. However, we are really excited about being able to share our trip planning knowledge with people who might need some help in this area. A Walt Disney World vacation definitely is not something that you can “wing” if you want to get the most out of it. And if you are going to spend the type of money that a WDW vacation requires, you will want to get your money’s worth!

Of course, if you are a DIY trip planner, you can read our site at no cost, where we share some of our personal tips and tricks with the community.


This is another area that Buster and the Banshee have debated about. The community is loaded with so many really great podcasts, so why does the world need yet another one? If we are just going to do the “same old, same old” then why waste our time with it? Therefore, if we decide to start a podcast, it really needs to be something unique and fun (for us at least)! Here is a rough outline of how we would make it worth your time and ours:

  • Low Production Values (i.e. “cheap”). There are so many great podcasts out there that clearly spend a lot of time and money on production. Custom intro music. Sound effects. Professional editing. Studio quality audio. If we were to do it, we plan to go in the complete opposite direction. We want ours to be less of a professional studio show and more of a “two people sitting around talking about stuff and having fun” show. We even have an idea for some cheesy theme music that we would sing ourselves. You can probably get the idea of the vibe that we are going for. More Jungle Cruise and less Victoria and Albert’s!
  • More Than the Parks. One of the reasons that we enjoy WDW so much is that it represents many of the pop culture franchises that we love so much. Therefore, we would love to include things like commenting on the latest Star Wars show that just dropped, or pop culture rumors, or other fun stuff like that. We might also include some commentary on many of our other interests, if we think that would be fun.
  • Continuing Focus on Disabilities. As you can see from this website, we include some content that is based upon our experience traveling to WDW with our disabled daughter. This is an area that we feel is underserved within the Disney influencer community, so we will continue to attempt to fill this gap. This is one of our core missions. Therefore, we would want to carry this over to any podcast that we do.
  • Fun! If it ain’t fun, then it ain’t worth doing!

We will continue to update everyone on progress with the two items above. However, know that we will be rolling these items out on our own schedule. This isn’t our full time job; it is a labor of love. Therefore, please have some grace if, in the next update, I don’t have any progress to share. That said, if you have any feedback on these ideas (good or bad), we’d love to hear them. You can leave us a comment below, go to the “Contact Us” page and email us privately.


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